Wednesday, August 17, 2011

#12.- Returning to work

For a lot of people, returning at work after a vacation period is hard and during tje first day a lot of people complains about the brevity of this period.
But I believe that we should be grateful of having the oportunity to have holidays.
My grandparents worked on the field and with animals. They worked 7 days a week 365 days a year under a blazing sun on summer and low temperatures in the harsh winter.
They are over 85 years old. This demonstrate that, without holidays, is possible to live a lot.
But they and others like them, fought a lot for us, to have a better future.
Now we have more than them, then we shouldn't complain about the brevity of our vacation period.
We should go to work happy of having enjoyed of these desconnection days.
But the big question is. . . What are we improving for the future generations to have higher quality of live?
Have a good day!

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