Wednesday, August 31, 2011

#19.- Picking up the fruit of my effort

I wanted collect tomatoes, not remove
bad herbs, dig or water every day with a
blazing sun! But this fantastic tomatoe
 that I've picked up fruit of my effort
impulse me to do the same (or better) next
year. Strive worthwHile!
Sometimes, at work or life, to achive certain goal, is necessary to do some things that you don't like: bored, hard, repetitive, not creative, or others ....
The road is rocky, but the destination is beautiful. In other words, after some time working (or walking by the road), you can pick up the fruit of your effort. That's amazing! And that's what gives sense to the rocky road you have walked.
Collecting of these fruits gives you energy to continue walking for new and unkown road, despite the rocks you find on it or the slope of the road. Your effort have sense and becomes part of a whole for which working (or walking) on it, it's worthwhile! Usually, the passion and commitment born here.
The pitty is that there're people that abandon in the middle of the road. Then, they can't pick it up the fruit of their effort (the goal) or even worse they don't have the pleasure to understand the meaning of their effort.

Strive for something worthwhile! Believe me!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

#18.- Receive is nice. Give is fantastic!

Small gift, built with a Nespresso Capsule used as a pot
Everybody like to receive presents from others. And a lot of times, the present is physic and maybe is something that you need or you're looking for and your pals have advanced to your desires.
But making a gift is more than this. Making a gift means to dedicate some of your time thinking with the fortunate person, looking for the way to make him happy with the things you have at your hand.
And usually, the people that have received the gift give thanks, and receive the thanks is the best for the people that give a gift!
Make people happy don't requires money. It requires time, love, candor.... in other words, make an space in your head for him.
And that's fantastic!!! What can be more marvelous than make people happy?
Look at the example, a little nespresso capsule can be recycled as a pot to plant an small cactus to bring to your pals!
Even waste materials can be used to make a delicated and beautiful present!
For this reason, I prefer give than receive, because make me happy twice: when I prepare the gift and when I receive the thanks!
If someday you feel weak, try to make a gift to someone you love. You will see how you recover the energy. Try it!

Monday, August 29, 2011

#17.- The Sunflower's example

When I was a child, one of the flowers that impressed me more was sunflower.
I liked to see how the position of the flower were always aligned with the sun and at the end of the day, at the sunset, the flowers stopped to watch at the sky. And the next day, the choreographie started again.
In fact, all the plants and flowers (as I know) do the same: they look for light. Light is the energy source that allows plants do the photosyntesis and produce Oxigen.
But with the sunflower this process is more evident because you can see every hour how the flower change it position.
The sunflower shows us an example of effort by following the sun all the day to maximize the light and energy that it receives.
For me, what that means is that if you want something, you should effort to reach it. 
I like to see how the nature shows us how we should behave. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

#16.- Playing as a Kid

Everyone has a child inside. But often, as we age, we tend to stifle these kid.
You should not do that!
Childhood is both: the most creativeness life stage and less prejudiced. This allows children to see the world through different eyes, so far from the eyes of adults who can only see problems everywhere. Godness, innocence, aid ...These are some of the values ​​that characterize children.
The truth is that when you play as a child remembering your childhood you feel better, you forget your problems for adults and relativize the important things from non important things.
Be happy just takes time and imagination. Itsn't necessary to embrace a huge fortune. Sometimes with a cardboard box, some small stones and a song is more than enough.
Parents and schools should endeavor to protect these values ​​and combining it with knowledge.
Then, I'm sure that could solve some of the great problems of humanity such as Hunger, AIDS, and others that are not solved by business interests and speculation.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

#15.- Climbing Stairs

Today, after sometime without doing it, I've restarted climbing stairs.
I work in a 6+1  floor (between the 4th and the 5th floor there is a hidden floor that isn't accessible going by lift).
Until now I used the lift to go up to the office.
Really is a good exercise for our legs and a good way to save electrical energy. I the company where I work we have started a "go green" policy, that supports workers to adopt "green practices" to reduce our carbon foot print.
Some numbers:

  • The tall of each floor is more or less 3 meters
  • Then, If I climb the stairs one time per day I climb above 21 meters a day
  • That means more than 100 meters a week. This is the same to say above 400 meters in a month
  • If I would continue this practice during a year I could cumulate more than 4.400 meters. In two years I would reached the same amount where an aircraft flys !!!

I don't know how many time I will work in the same place, but... if I will be here 10 years, I would reach more than 44.000 meters!!!!

And I can do similar calculations with the saved electrical energy. You should be noticed that a lift consumes energy also when the lift moves up and down without passangers or when the lift doesn't turn the light off when nobody use it.

Often, people don't realize about continous and perseverant small practices and attitudes can produce big and revolutionary changes along the time.

Según estimaciones de la FEEDA (Federación Española de Asociaciones de Empresas de Ascensores) el parque de ascensores en España se acerca al millón de aparatos, por lo que con esta medida se podría conseguir un ahorro superior a 400.000.000 de kWh cada año. Equivale al consumo medio en electricidad de 100.000 hogares españoles y evitaría la emisión de 160.000 t de CO2.

And don't forget the high benefits for our health!
If we do a responsible use of lifts (and other services) we could avoid the use of some nuclear central....

Maybe is a bit exagerated but is something to think about it, and knowing that these small changes that are on my hand can be revolutionary, make me happy!

Monday, August 22, 2011

#14.- Riding on bicycle

I like riding on bicycle around my town with my wife and son. The speed of the bicycle is enough to give a big walk, see and to notice a lot of things around where you are cycling.
Also smells. That is incredible:When you pass through a field with cutted grass, or a field with wet green, or dusty road or the forest after the rain.
Is incredible the amount of different smells that you can be noticed if you pay attention.
I like breath deeply when I realize of a different smell.
I feel live! I feel my body is running well! I feel invaded for a wellness sensation.
Getting wellness is very easy and cheap. Take your bicycle and go out to give a ride! You will refresh your mind and you will be in a good humor sense.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

#13.- Starting a new life

I'm sure that, a lot of times, you have heard some friend saying "I'm starting a new life".
In fact this title sounds grander than really it is and people don't realize about it.
Starting a new life means change, movement, risk, adventure, valor, uncertainty, fear, the looking for the hapiness, ... and I believe, big change.
Noone can say "I'll will start a new life" if is not predisposed to introduce big changes. Small changes means dayly life.
Sometimes, one have to change for unpredictable reasons and others for scheduled and well prepared reasons. But in the two cases the people should be prepared for an eventual failure. In general, people don't like changes and most of them haven't been educated for failure. For this reason, only few people are really disposed to start a new life.
My sister Eva is starting a new life. This morning, she has traveled to Brazil to work. She doesn't know exactly how long she will be there. The time will say!
These lasts days together, she was happy and excited for this new project of life. The rest of the family, at least myself, I was happy for her and sad at the same time: I had a lump in my throat and tears to come out. I will miss the time with her in the family lunchs, events, ...
But this morning I changed my mind. I know a lot of interesting people that have done similar change, and they are very well: Valerie, Yess, Carlos, ...
I'm sure my sister will be well and will start a new life.

And maybe is time to listen the call to change. Change means be happy. And being happy oneself makes a happier world!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

#12.- Returning to work

For a lot of people, returning at work after a vacation period is hard and during tje first day a lot of people complains about the brevity of this period.
But I believe that we should be grateful of having the oportunity to have holidays.
My grandparents worked on the field and with animals. They worked 7 days a week 365 days a year under a blazing sun on summer and low temperatures in the harsh winter.
They are over 85 years old. This demonstrate that, without holidays, is possible to live a lot.
But they and others like them, fought a lot for us, to have a better future.
Now we have more than them, then we shouldn't complain about the brevity of our vacation period.
We should go to work happy of having enjoyed of these desconnection days.
But the big question is. . . What are we improving for the future generations to have higher quality of live?
Have a good day!