Sometimes I feel as foreigner in my own country because I don't know things that are supposed that I should know.
In this case, I'm talking about Joan Miró, one of the most famous catalan painters around the world.
This is something that make me some shame, but at the same time it make me fun.
I tried to find some explanations to this situacion. One of them could be a lack of interest on some topics. Another could be that the proximity (of the museum) gives me a false sensation that I could visit any day, but this day never arrives.
This is what happened along one year and half working beside the Sagrada Familia. Every day, when I went out of the underground, I said myself: one day, during the lunch, I should visit the temple. But that day never arrived. But finally, some years later I visited it.
Fortunately, I have an amazing English teacher and good friend, that have showed me the art of Joan Miró. So far than the "Caixa de Pension's" logo and the "The woman and the bird" statue, I realized than the works of Joan Miró are amazing, the colours that he used, the black and white draws, the expression of his humor sense through of the use of different materials and colours, the proud of painting the catalan rural life, etc...
I'm not an artist (in this sense) and much less a painter, but I felt very identified with some of the pictures of Joan Miró, especially the pictures of the field, the old and traditional way of living, the garden, etc... because I have a similar origin.
I feel lucky to have
Valerie as "Life teacher in English" and source of inspiration!
I have a lot to learn and I have a lot to share!